Warning: If You Pull Out A Knife At Walmart, You May Get Obliterated With A Foreign Object By Some Random Hero Like It's A Wrestling Match

I have to admit, I've grown kind of numb to people losing their shit in public as the world appears to go to hell one viral video at a time. But seeing a man bring a knife to a Thing That Organizes People In Line Fight that ended like this had me in awe.

That was something straight out of a wrestling match. An Old like me would call that pulling a Honky Tonk Man on someone.

Someone a little younger would call it pulling a Jeff Jarrett.

While someone with even less years under their belt could call it going Triple H Sledgehammer Mode.

Nonetheless, this was a very important lesson out there that if you wanna pull some crazy shit like pulling a knife in public, don't do it in a Walmart because there is walways plenty of crazy to match your crazy in a Walmart, along with actual heroes like our guy Demario Davis, who gave a breakdown of how he took that knife wielding maniac down.

Blogger's Note: The only reason I found this is because I admittedly thought this could all have been staged since that smashing was too perfect and the internet is slowly devolving into fake viral videos.

So shout out Demario for not only being a hero of this country as a veteran but also a hero of that Walmart as well as the internet by calmly walking to his weapon of choice to subdue this madman while the peanut gallery was chirping while recording on their phones.

Not that I'm disparaging the brave cameramen and women of the world. You guys shooting then uploading all this chaos is what keeps the internet moving round. But people like Demario Davis, both the hero in this video and the Saints linebacker, keep the lights on at Barstool with their hard hits.