Afroman Made The Music Video Of The Year Using Footage Of Police Raiding His House Armed sheriff's deputies raided Afroman's Winchester, Adams County, home last August in search of marijuana and drug paraphernalia on suspicion of drug trafficking and kidnapping, according to a search warrant obtained by Enquirer media partner Fox 19.

Deputies seized marijuana and over $5,000 in cash during the raid, but no charges were filed. The money was returned to Afroman in November, minus $400. Adams County Sheriff Kimmy Rogers told The Enquirer at the time that the missing cash was being investigated by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

I think we it's time we sit back and ask ourselves if Afroman is the greatest artist of our generation. He already had made a case for himself by creating an absolute jam in "Because I Got High" that will be in your head the rest of the day despite it having pretty simple lyrics and melody along with that beautiful signature chicken bawk.

But making chicken salad out of chicken shit, or in this case making a music video out of police footage of his house being torn apart is some next level genius. Most people would be bummed that they have to pay for a new gate, front door, and therapy for their kids after police busted into their house with automatic rifles. Not our friend Afroman though. He saw all that as the cost of business that helped create a new song and an easy way to make a music video without hiring actors, a director, or special effects team (we'll chalk up the missing $400 for incidentals).

Sure it came with having to deal with a trashed house and motherfucking KIDNAPPING charges being placed on his head. But anybody in the arts will take that tradeoff to hone their craft by making a new bop.

Excuse me, new BOPS since Afroman also released the song and music video "Lemon Pound Cake" as its own feature from said police footage.

There aren't many things I'm sure of in life. But that lemon pound cake being the best lemon pound cake any of us have ever had in our lives is one of them. And if you eat it with any of the narcotics Afroman may or may not possess in his house, it likely becomes the best food you'll ever eat. I know it, you know it, and that cop knew it. Because Afroman doesn't keep just any cake in the fancy glass display in his kitchen. I'm also sure that Afroman just won the 2023 VMA for best music video because I don't think anybody makes music videos anymore.

So shout out to Afroman for being such a great artist making A+ music videos no matter if he's getting high, getting his house raided, or getting fucked up with a Colt 45 and two zig zags, which is ANOTHER great little jam that will be stuck in your head all day with the other three songs here.