Cardi B Is Sick And Tired Of Lettuce Being 6 Dollars Where She Lives, And May Be The Financial Advisor This Generation Needs

Uproxx - Cardi B has earned her wealth, and she doesn’t intend on recklessly spending just because she can. Apparently, some people find pleasure in criticizing Cardi for her finances — from the $1 million she pocketed for a 35-minute Art Baset set to her (falsely) reported $40 million net worth. This week, Cardi chimed in on the soaring grocery prices across the US.

“Naaaaaa grocery shopping prices are ridiculous right now,” Cardi tweeted yesterday, January 3. “You might as well eat outside !!” She added in a separate tweet, “B*tch why lettuce cost 6 dollars where I live at?”

Here's Cardi B's full rant: 

Listen, Cardi B is going to catch some slack because of how she laid this out with the cursing and the yelling to a degree, but my God does she have some good points. Let's break them down. 

A- Budgeting money is a great idea 

Cardi B said something very smart there when she says she gets a breakdown every dollar spent every week in her house. That's a tool I wish I would do a better job of, and wish I got a grasp of at a younger age. Delivery fees add up, going out to eat adds up, "dollar delights" at the deli add up etc. I once had a neighbor say he linked his card to his  Dunkin Donuts app and at the end of the year could see his spend total. It was like $2500 or something insane. Shit adds up. Cardi B is on the right track to tell people to figure out where you can cut back the bucks, especially in a recession. 

2- She is for the working man or woman in the middle class 

"So, when I’m starting to see that groceries is, like, tripling up, it’s like, ay, yo, what the fck is going on? I wanna see for myself what the fck sht is being spent on, and when I go to the fcking supermarket — I went to the supermarket — I’m seeing that everything tripled up. That lettuce was, like, $2 a couple of months ago, and now, it’s like fcking $7. Of course, I’ma say something! The fck! ‘Cause if I think that sht is crazy, I can only imagine what middle-class people or people in the hood is motherfcking thinking. "

This is very noble. She's acknowledging yes she is rich and $6 lettuce may not effect her… especially when she keeps releasing banger after banger …. 

Timeout- Hit the music 

Time in. 

So yes The $6 lettuce doesn't effect Cardi B, but it does effect the middle class and Cardi B is humble enough to acknowledge that and is will to help bring this issue to the forefront. Also she likely knows that her fans have used discretionary income to go to her concerts, buy her albums (if that still exists) and see her in movies. 

It says a lot she knows to have her fans back on issues that affect their wallets especially when their wallets have been padding Cardi B's wallet. Gotta take care of the BARDIGANG… 

D- She's not afraid to go to war for this 

"So, yes, I’m going to say something. The fck! And I have a big platform, so I do want anybody that’s responsible [for] these fcking prices to put that sht the fck down.”

Putting her money where he mouth is. Who's raising these fucking prices? Gonna have to answer to Cardi B. And that might not be something you wanna get in front of. 

Keep fighting the good fight Cardi B. First it's lettuce, then it's raising the price of an American staple, the 99 cent Arizona Iced tea can. If someone doesn't step up the whole world and economic structure of this country could crumble. Hats off to Cardi B for stepping up now before it's too late.