Equinox Bans New Members On January 1st In An Obvious Marketing Ploy

NY Post- That New Years’ weight loss started a day late for some.

Luxury fitness club Equinox is coming under criticism online after they launched a day-long campaign labeled “We Don’t Speak January,” forbidding new members from joining.

On Jan. 1, as many ready to ring in the new year by getting into shape, those who went to Equinox’s website to sign up for the luxurious gym were greeted by an unusual message.

“It’s not you, it’s January,” a message posted on Equinox’s website read.

“You are not a New Year’s resolution. Your life doesn’t start at the beginning of the year. And that’s not what being part of Equinox is about,” the message told hopeful new members.

The message ended by assuring those wishing to sign up that the fitness club was looking “forward to welcoming you to our Equinox community tomorrow.”

YAWN ! Equinox does what it seems like 274747484923002001 brands have done in the past and went for the marketing ploy, attention grabbing headline, that will be announced as a "joke" very shortly after. 

Long story short, Equinox bans new members from joining January 1st stating their goal is year round fitness and listing a ton of reasons why New Year's Resolutions shouldn't be considered, and that Equinox is more than that etc. 

EDGY! ATTENTION GRABBING! FUN! COOL! CUTTING EDGE! is likely what the dopes in their marketing and social media departments said in the meetings when they deciding to roll out this campaign. "This will kill",  "so smart",  "this is awesome". 


Because wouldn't you know it …. the big ban lasted …. A WHOLE DAY ! Memberships were open again Monday January 2nd. 

These ploys always drive me nuts and always will. Anyone remember the IHOP/ IHOB absolute joke a couple years ago ? 

That was cringe back then, and this is cringe today. This also won't be the last one of these "genius ideas" to come from a corporate marketing department , but please God can we only hope it is. Maybe future generations will learn from these absolutely painful cringy campaigns and maybe just say "you know what …we'll pass on the shtick, let's try something else."