Lighten the Fuck Up! Meredith & Steve Were Married on Christmas Eve...

Winfried Schafer. Shutterstock Images.

Meredith was a beautiful person both inside and out, and it didn’t hurt that she had a smokin’ hot body. Steve found her irresistible, and after dating for just three months, they were married in an incredible ceremony on Christmas Eve in front of a small group of family and friends.

Meredith was hearing impaired, so Steve learned to sign, and he set their TV to close captioning. There were many compromises he made in order to include Meredith in everything he did, including sex…

Because Meredith was hearing impaired, a lot of their intimacy was dependent on non-verbal communication, and Steve didn’t have a problem communicating his needs that way, but he wanted his wife to feel comfortable doing the same.

While on their honeymoon, just after they climbed into bed one night, in an effort to fully accomplish two-way non-verbal communication with the love of his life, Steve signed to his beautiful bride, “If you’re ever in the mood for sex, just reach over and give my penis a stroke and I’ll understand and do my best to satisfy your needs…

“If, on the other hand, you’re not in the mood for sex, and you want to communicate that to me, just reach over and stroke my penis 50 times…”

MERRY CHRISTMAS!                                                                                                                                                                                      

Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #143!

Just in case you missed the last one…  


Start the New Year off right by wearing some ALL NEW LTFU Merch! Not everyone will know what LTFU means, but everyone will ask…