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Watch This When You're High - Is Atlantis Actually Buried In The Eye Of The Sahara? This Lost Roman Map Appears To Claim So.

Shout out to @zachmorris for this suggestion.

This one was great. Mainly because of how fascinating it is but also because this is sort of breaking news and I'm surprised Chief hasn't jumped all over it for a Dog Walk yet.

Astonishing new details have been uncovered involving the Lost Ancient City of Atlantis, and the Eye of The Sahara. According to some scholars, these details are so significant that the Richat Structure should, without a doubt, be considered the most likely location of the lost capital city of Atlantis. 

This video's narrator Jimmy Corsetti actually provides some really compelling evidence to back up this theory. Considering Egypt is only 2,700 miles away, and we're still uncovering and discovering things about it we never knew, this isn't that crazy of an idea.

Keep the suggestions coming. Keep them classy. No butt stuff.