You Will Immediately Turn Into A Puddle Once You See Stefon Diggs Surprise His Buddy With A Christmas Gift To Honor His Father

I've always loved Stefon Diggs dating back to his high school football days. Loved him as a Terp, loved him as a Viking, and now love him as a Bill. But it's the stuff like this that really shows you how awesome of a person he is. 

Back in training camp Diggs met up with a young boy named Aydin whose father had passed away. Diggs spent some time with him, talked, took pictures, the whole thing. Now fast forward to Saturday night vs the Dolphins and Aydin was at the game again. Diggs brings out a shoe box for Aydin for Christmas. Gives him the box and when he opens it up he sees brand new shoes with a painting of Aydin and his father on the shoes. Immediate tears from Aydin and his mom, as well as Diggs. You could see how emotional it was for both of them. 

 If this doesn't make you cry like a baby I don't know what to tell you, you just don't have a soul I guess. 

Like Rico says, "somethings are bigger than sports". This is bigger than sports. He didn't have to reach out to the child, she didn't have to get him a gift. But Diggs going above and beyond just made Aydin's year and helped put a smile on his face for just a few minutes. Stuff like this always blows me away. Just a few minutes out of Diggs' day and he made a memory for Aydin that will last a lifetime. Such an awesome video and gesture by Diggs.