Paul Pierce Did Not Hold Back On His Lakers Slander While Also Unleashing An All Time Ricochet Shot To His Good Pal Kendrick Perkins

Andrew D. Bernstein. Getty Images.

The Lakers stink. You know it, I know it, LeBron knows it, everyone knows it. Exactly zero (0) people are surprised that a team who entered the offseason with a ton of roster flaws and then did absolutely nothing to address those flaws would shockingly still have those same issues in 2022-23. The numbers are pretty staggering at this point

Personally, I've loved the Lakers start. Granted, I'm pretty biased on the subject but I simply cannot get enough of it. Feed me all the Lakers slander. Usually, I would be annoyed that we're talking so much about a dogshit team, but there's just something about this situation that brings me so much joy.

I'm also not alone. You know who else isn't holding back on his Lakers slander? My man Paul Pierce.

Man what a ricochet shot to Perk. That felt a little mean but clearly, Perk agrees with Pierce's Lakers evaluation. There's a reason he's called The Truth. I have to be honest, Pierce is on a Twitter heater to start this season and frankly when that happens we all win.

It's hard to find a lie right now on Pierce's feed, especially this one

I'll always enjoy Pierce's Lakers slander. That's how you know he's a true Celtic. It doesn't matter that he's retired. It doesn't matter that it's been over a decade since he saw them last in the Finals. Paul Pierce will never pass up an opportunity to drag that sorry franchise and for that, I am forever grateful. Paul Pierce, he's just like us!

I think the best part of that Lakers/Perk tweet is how brutally honest it is. Listen, Perk isn't exactly in playing shape these days. Not the best build we've ever seen him have. The Lakers could not be built worse. People will once again put it all on Westbrook because his shooting has been even worse than you could possibly imagine, but it goes deeper than that. Where is the shooting on this roster? Where is the defense? It's not like any of these issues are a surprise, and the Lakers just flat out didn't address it. Not only that, they extended the guy in charge of building this roster! How does that make any sense? Everything that made this team successful in 2020 does not exist in 2022 which is nuts. I guess it wasn't all Frank Vogel's fault huh? Who could have possibly seen this coming!

The good news is, there really isn't an easy solution for the Lakers. If they are going try and finally move Westbrook, they're going to have to attach those two first round picks at this point. Considering those fall in years where the Lakers will probably be without LeBron, that's an issue. Maybe it'll be the Pacers with Turner/Hield, maybe it'll be the Hornets with Rozier/Hayward, but I wouldn't exactly call those slam dunk trades. 

I tweeted it the other day, but in looking at the Lakers upcoming schedule, where do you see a turnaround taking place? They're already at 0-3. Where do you think they end up after this stretch?

Something tells me the slander is only going to get worse from here.