"It's Over In Two Years And You Don't Get Anything." Britney Spears Ethers Her Own Son In Audio Recording After He Talked Shit About Her On 60 Minutes

Apparently this audio came out like a month ago, but it's the first time I'm hearing it and it's worth the blog. If you listen to the whole thing you'll understand what I'm talking about. Long story short, Britney's sixteen-year-old son went on 60 Minutes Australia and spoke about his mother's mental state. Her response (in cliff notes) was the following...












She then went on to basically call him out for being brainwashed by her entire family. How even though he called her irresponsible she was in charge of three eighteen wheelers full of touring equipment and one thousand people while she was still making music. How he would leave her house early every time he came to visit and how if she didn't have dinner ready and he would raise hell. How the real reason he wants her to "get better" (even though she's fine) is so she can continue to pay his dad $40k per month in child support. She ended things by saying it's over in two years and he gets nothing. In other words, he's dead to her. Quite the voicemail to receive from your own mother but at the same time...deserved. Jayden will grow up one day and realize how fucked up his family was. 

The sad part about the entire saga is that it somehow keeps getting worse. It feels like a train speeding towards its eventual doom. Oh well. Sorry to start your Monday off with such a downer but that voicemail was too wild not to share. Have a great week. Now take it away, Brit! 




