Let's Play A Quick Game Of Guess That Celebrity!
Let's play a fun game. Here is a book titled, The 1990s: From the Persian Gulf War to Y2K. It is one book in a collection of books titled, Decades Of The 20th Century.
I have never read this book. You have never read this book. But we all understand what is going inside of this book. It's a 90's thing. The main picture on the cover features 4 people. O.J. Simpson, Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton, and a mystery person covered by a woman's hand.
Those 3 make sense. O.J. Simpson was the most scandalous football player/actor of the 1990's. Bill Clinton was the most scandalous President of the 1990's. And Hillary Clinton was the most smoking hot woman of the 1990's.
But who is this mystery person covered by a woman's hand? It could be anyone. Who were some of the most popular people of the 90's? Let's make a game out of this. Considering I work for a gambling company, I will handicap who the 4th person on the cover might be. Here are the official odds.
Princess Dianna (+110)
Michael Jordan (+120)
Monica Lewinsky (+140)
Nicole Brown Simpson (+180)
Michael Jackson (+200)
Chris Farley (+200)
George H.W. Bush (+210)
Tupac Shakur (+350)
Notorious B.I.G. (+375)
River Phoenix (+400)
Whitney Houston (+400)
Samuel L. Jackson (+450)
Bruce Willis (+450)
Robin Williams (+450)
Norm McDonald (+450)
Antz (+100000)
Other (-110)
Everybody put your bets in now!

Who could it be?
Princess Diana (+110) ???
Michael Jordan (+120) ???
Maybe try a long shot? What about Tupac (+350) ???
There are so many people who I left off the list, it's probably safest to just go with Other (-110) ???

IT WAS ANTZ (+100000)!!!
Cash those tickets!!!
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Antz, and O.J. Simpson were the 4 most defining individuals of the 1990's. Of course it was Antz. The 1998 cinematic classic Antz, voiced by famed pedophile Woody Allen. It seemed ridiculous at first, but when you really think about it, Antz makes the most sense.
Congratulations to all who placed their bets on Antz.
That was a fun game. We'll do it again sometime