This Horrific Outfield Collision Has Forced George Springer To Leave Game 2 And He's Probably Done For The Year

I sincerely forgot about the score of this game until just now. AWFUL collision. It's 9-9 and nobody really cares. 

Sure I'll get back into the game. But my stomach is in my balls right now. Or my balls in my stomach. One of the two. 

Point is I feel awful just watching his head snap off his neck and now it's easy to imagine Springer is done for tomorrow at least. That had head/neck/concussion written all over it. Just laid the fuck out in center field staring at the Rogers Center cat walk listening to the bells ring in his head. Scary shit from a guy who was clearly out there trying to make a play because that's who George Springer is. Dude was flat out hauling ass to get his boys out of the inning and this is what he gets instead. Tragic shit indeed. 

With that, we got ourselves a ball game. From a 6-1 to 8-1 to 9-4 and now all the way back to a 9-9 nail biter. The Mariners sincerely don't quit and it makes you wonder what the city of Toronto did to curse themselves this way. No clue but the land of Rob Ford deserves better. Do it for his memory. 

More this week on Starting 9. 

More baseball. Not Rob Ford