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Even In (Fake) Retirement Coach K Is Still Clearly Lying About Losing Games

I promise I didn't want to write this blog. I swear to you I didn't and want Coach K completely gone. But then I saw two quotes and realized it had to be done. The world must never forget how much of a dick this guy actually is. Not even just a dick, a hypocrite to the highest level. 

First the fake retirement: 

[Source] - “In retirement, although I’m not retired,” Krzyzewski, 75, clarifies, “I’m doing all the things I want to do.

Hmm, not retired? Makes me think that office that he still has at Duke is really starting to make sense. I mean why add that in? You're retired bro. Well at least you tricked the world into thinking you're retired. You're not working. You're not head coach of Duke basketball (outside of pulling the strings) therefore you're retired. So either Coach K is lying or he's too dumb to know the definition of the word. I'll let you choose.

But then comes the biggest lie in the world: 

Is the five-time NCAA champion and six-time Olympic-gold-medal coach missing the sidelines yet? “I’m reflecting right now about the Redeem Team, but I haven’t thought about wins, losses, championships, or whatever,” Krzyzewski offers before I can ask.

You don't think about losing your last game to North Carolina? You don't think about how North Carolina has a forever one-up on you? Give me a fucking break. This guy knows exactly what he's doing: 

To focus on one school is not something I’ve ever done,” he says, totally deadpan. “I’ve tried to focus on winning a championship, and a win over a specific opponent can never be as good as a win over every opponent.

What a crock of shit. You don't coach at Duke that long without understanding beating UNC is important. You focus on them over any other team in the regular season. That's just a fact and Duke fans won't even try to argue against it. Feels good to be angry again at him. I missed it and frankly I'll miss this jackass in college basketball.Good news is he's only fake retired.