Why Care About College Football When We Know Exactly Who Will Be In The Playoff

Vasha Hunt. Shutterstock Images.

I completely get why people watch college football. The only reason I watch is the gambling aspect, and if you are gambling on it please use the Barstool Sportsbook because it is the best thing out there. If you are just a fan though, you know at the beginning of the season that Georgia, Alabama and Ohio State are going to be in the playoff. They just are. These schools are just so far ahead of the other schools in the Power 5, and if you aren't in the power 5 there is no chance you ever think you will be in that playoff. Then all of you bastards are going to come at me with Cincinnati but they had absolutely no chance in that Alabama game. I loved that they were in that, it felt fresh and at least cause some conversation. At the end of the day though, it was never a real game. 

I am looking at this zoomed out, like from a person who isn't a die hard of any sport. College Basketball you never know who is going to win the whole thing and it is the best playoff scenario in all of sports. I am the most casual fan of college football, but bet on it every weekend. You don't have to know everything like Brandon Walker to figure out who is going to be in the playoff. Alabama will make it every year, they have only failed to make it once. Clemson is almost always in it every year. It is the same shit every fucking time. Just because one team is new they always get smoked anyway so open it up to these other teams. It will never look like college basketball because these non power 5 teams have 0 chance against these bigger teams. 

You just have to give credit to Saban and these other schools that keep brining in studs. Now they don't even have to cheat they can just give these players millions legally now. People are going to get very upset about this blog but something has to change. I get that there are great games in the regular season but the playoff system is flawed and is quite boring. At least one of the games is usually a blow out too. Everyone is too worried about Aaron Judge cutting in rather than actually telling the truth.