Bruce Boudreau Was Far Too Modest About Finding Out He Was Ranked The 16th Most Handsome Coach In The NHL

Some site recently put out a list ranking all 32 NHL coaches from hottest to the ugliest bastard in the league. Pretty sexist, if you ask me. I mean I can't believe we're in the year 2022 and we're still objectifying all these bench beauties like that. You'd think these guys would be allowed to do their job without everybody talking about how much they want to bang them. But here we are. 

Either way, the list came out and right there in the middle was none other than Bruce Boudreau. That should have been evidence enough that this list was a crock of shit. Bruce is a hard 10, or a certified 5 on the Balls Scale™. He should be at the top of that list, not hovering right around the middle. Regardless, Bruce was informed of the list and in classic Bruce fashion he was as humble as could be about his placement. 

"There must have been an awful lot of blind people doing that poll". I can see him using that as the caption when he throws some casual haymakers up on Instagram. Bruce Boudreau is the classic case of a dude who knows he is hot as shit, but doesn't want to come off as being braggy about it. Big time hot guy energy. 

As for the full list…well you'll see it is riddled with inaccuracies beyond just not having Bruce Boudreau at the very top. 

No offense Jay Woodcroft, but the man looks like he could be Martin Shkreli's older brother. Not #1 on my personal list. Martin St Louis being all the way down at T20 when the man has legs the size of a midsize sedan is mind boggling. 

Speaking of jacked coaches who should be way higher on this list…if it's not Bruce Boudreau then you gotta throw Rod The Bod up at the top. 

And yes, the current Stanley Cup champ is a grade A certified USDA Man Rocket as well. 

Matthew Stockman. Getty Images.

But yeah. It goes Bruce Daddy, then those 3 stallions, and then everybody else. Tell the analytics department to kick rocks on this one. The eye test never fails. 
