This Clip Of Kobe Bryant In The New Netflix Doc About The 2008 Olympic Team Gave Me A Chill

"Oh yeah, I love Pau. We are like brothers."

Next scene...

"I am going to fucking rip his heart out of his chest the first chance I get"

That is the Kobe difference. That is the difference between his generation and Lebron's generation. Kobe was a link to Michael Jordan and Bird and and the Bad Boy Pistons. Lebron is a link to fucking blippi. Kobe would try to stab you to win gold for America. Lebron wants everyone to get along so he can sell shoes, jerseys, and streams in China. It sickens me. They don't make them like Kobe anymore. At least not in basketball. Genuine hatred and rivalries are what's missing now. A threat of violence in sports always ratchets up the intensity. Now all the feuds take place over social media. 

WSD was 100% correct when he said that competitiveness has gone downhill. His analogy of the LLWS and kids crying about god knows what was a good example, but he should've just said "Kobe". There aren't Kobes being nurtured. In fact, it feels like if you got that Kobe streak it is coached out of you. Sad. The world needs Kobes. It's like that scene from True Detective with McConaughey in the car. "the world needs bad men. They keep the other bad men from the door". Kobe was that type of bad.  

That was the default setting for the 1992 Dream Team