We Got A Fresh Episode Of Serial In The Year Of Our Lord 2022 Following Adnan Syed's Release From Prison Yesterday

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Holy fuck, hearing that prison phone system followed by the lowkey banger of a theme song transported me all the way back to 2014. A wonderful time where Twitter was a place everyone went to get their jokes off, barely anybody talked politics, and we were getting awesome Thrones episodes every week.

thinks about it

Well I guess 1 out of 3 ain't bad. 

Nonetheless, I can't believe we are actually talking about Serial in the year 2022. I guess the podcast has been around this whole time but nobody I know has thought about it let alone mentioned it for at least five years. However now it's the talk of the water cooler Zoom meetings after Adnan was released from prison yesterday.

Truth be told, I have no clue if Adnan was guilty or innocent since I always believe people when they say they didn't do something. Every single suspect on Cops was clean in my eyes until the crack pipe fell out of his pocket along with a bag of dope and a stolen gun. I kinda remember Jay being a shady son of a bitch and enough of botched parts of the investigation to give my brain a healthy portion of reasonable doubt, which had me thinking he was innocent. However every ounce of information was coming from a podcast that was trying to free Adnan with a narrator that seemed like she wanted to marry Adnan.

Regardless of whether you were #TeamAdnan or not, I think we can all agree this is a preposterous way to greet your son when he comes home from 20+ year sentence for a murder conviction he was cleared of.

P.S. We've sold some crazy shit on this site over the years but slinging merch for a convicted murder (whose conviction has since been overturned) was wild.

I'm telling you, the early 2010s were such a different place than now.

P.P.S. Never forget the show on HBO that felt like it was 100% based on Serial that had one of the best pilot episodes ever before turning into a show about how fucked up John Turturro's feet were.