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WATCH: The Most Advanced Humanoid Robot Ever Is Here and Its Message Doesn't Sound Great

I'm generally pretty dismissive of those who push the whole "robot takeover" narrative. I have faith in humans — and the fact that we have guns. But I must admit, if these things start running around all over the place, I'm not gonna be thrilled about it.

What the fuck was this "poem"? Ameca just rattled off every possible thing that could go wrong with robots and then ended with, "We're not looking to be friends." Not sure that's the line I would have chosen if I was trying to convey that I'm not a threat!

And get a load of the look it shoots towards the human when it's done talking:

I don't like this one bit. I still think it's going to take an insane number of these bots to even have a chance against us, but things seem to be trending in the wrong direction. Stop creating robots with the ability to talk. Leave them in the computers where they belong.