Mets Email Fans About 2015 Playoff Tickets

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1.5 game lead with 50 to play…what could possibly go wrong? Lets just start printing NL East hats and shirts and put the tickets on sale tomorrow! This is the Mets we’re talking about, folks. Everything always goes right for them. Everything always goes according to plan. The franchise is just a born winner. They know how to get the job done. This thing is as good as clinched.

Look I know you gotta send these emails out. The Cubs did it recently too. I know its also pathetic to worry about jinxes and shit but this is more like worrying about egg on our face for the 4 billionth time. Cant you just send out an email about tickets and have a little section at the bottom with an asterisk saying “In the event of postseason play – ” or something like that? Do you need to put in huge letters in the title “POSTSEASON TICKETS” so that every blog on the planet picks it up like “Can you believe the Mets are already thinking about selling playoff tickets!?” Just have some internet foresight for me ONE TIME, Mets. Cautious optimism…thats the vibe right now. Anything more is just silly.

PS – 1.5 with 50 to play is really put in perspective when you put it next to 7 with 17 to play.

PPS – Its ridiculous that the NL East is going to be the way the Mets make it into the playoffs and not the Wild Card. Would have never guess in a million years the Central would be that good and the Nationals would be this bad. Bizarro world.