Lighten the Fuck Up! The Woman Had Amazing Boobs with Magnificent Cleavage...

Giphy Images.

Bob took a seat on the morning train and when he looked up, he noticed the guy sitting next to him had a black eye just like he did… 

Bob couldn't believe it, "What are the chances of that?" he wondered… 

And so he had to ask, "Excuse me, sir, I hope you don't mind me asking… How'd you get your shiner?"

The guy answered, "I was waiting in line at the ticket booth to buy two tickets to Pittsburg, and when I got to the front, the woman selling the tickets had amazing boobs with magnificent cleavage, and I accidentally said, 'I need two pickets to Titsburg…' How'd you get yours?"

Bob explained, "I was having a peaceful breakfast with my lovely wife this morning, and when I asked her to pass the Cheerios, it came out 'Bitch, you ruined my life!'"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

*Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968 (and flipping people off forever!)

This is LTFU Joke #118!

There's no better way to 'Lighten the Fuck Up' than doing it wearing a "Meme'd to Death" camo tee! (on sale now!)