Mizzou Football Coach Finally Earns Some Respect For Telling Students To Skip Class On Friday After Their Game On Thursday Night

One of the running jokes among SEC fanbases is the fact Eli Drinkwitz is in fact a dork. 

Wesley Hitt. Getty Images.

In fact he was so close to sounding like a dork in this statement with the whole early deficit thing. Hey man, you coach in the SEC. Classes are secondary - remember it just means more. Telling kids to skip class though? This is the first time Missouri sounded like they belong in the SEC. This is the first time I actually respect Drink and the program. 

Skipping Friday classes is a norm. That's especially the case after a Thursday game. Sure the game is at 8 against Louisiana Tech, you still have to tailgate and go to an after party. You can't be trying to make a 9am. Plus it's probably syllabus week or the first week after that. It doesn't matter. Little tip: get the syllabus so you know how many unexcused absences you have. Plan accordingly. 

But like I said this is key for Missouri. This is how you start to sound like an SEC program. We know A&M is getting there with recruiting. Mizzou is doing it with the coach saying to skip class. He's right. It's not that important, especially on a Friday.