Baseball Icon Vin Scully Passes Away At The Age of 94

Goddamn this one hits really hard. I'm not sure there's anyone else's voice that immediately puts your mind on a baseball diamond more than Vin Scully. There has never been and will never be a person better at calling a baseball game than that man. He truly was one of the greatest story tellers of our time. If you love this game you loved Vin Scully and for that reason this is a crushing loss. Chris Castellani is working on a deep, heartfelt goodbye right now that I want you all to read in a bit when it's up. I just thought I'd pay tribute a bit here and run through a few of his best moments. 

The way he could paint the perfect picture of a moment and set it up so beautifully was unmatched. 

Of course there's the all-time Kirk Gibson moment 

No one, I mean NO ONE, could tell a story better than this man.

The stories go on and on…

Vin may be gone, but his voice will carry on forever through iconic clip after iconic clip.

You cannot tell the story of baseball without Vin Scully. We were all fortunate enough to live during his time and hear whatever story, fact, stat, joke, or play by play call he made on the broadcast. Rest in peace to an absolute legend who lived a long, incredible life. I'll leave you with his farewell to Dodgers baseball. 

I think I'm gonna go fall asleep to For Love of the Game now so I can hear that voice some more.