Michael Mann Announces That "HEAT 2 Is Coming Soon"

Director extraordinaire Michael Mann dropped a Tweet at 5:01AM today to make sure the entire world is now aware that he is indeed making a sequel to his 1995 bank job masterpiece HEAT and that it's "coming soon". The movie will be based on "Heat 2", Mann's first novel that he co-wrote with Meg Gardiner. He describes the book as both a prequel and a (seven years later) sequel to HEAT and it goes on sale August 9th. 

Can you say 'sign me the fuck up'? Even though I usually roll my eyes at sequels because they're mostly inferior money grabs, this is Michael fucking Mann we're talking about. And it's a prequel/sequel to one of his very best flicks containing characters he knows inside out. He's one of the best film directors over the last 40+ years, takes his craft incredibly serious, and he puts his everything into every movie he makes. So I have no qualms whatsoever about this particular Part Deux. And I can't wait to rip through the book.

Obviously we won't be getting another scene with Bobby D and Al. But that's fine. In Mann we trust. He confirmed the sequel would be happening during a recent appearance on Marc Maron's WTF podcast but he hadn't posted anything on social media. Until today when he had the world wake up to "Cheritto...Michael Cheritto" and that sick fuck Waingro.

In the meantime, enjoy (yet again) THIEF, COLLATERAL, THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS, ALI, and/or THE INSIDER to get your Mann fix until HEAT 2 hits theaters. I can't fucking wait.