All Is Well With The Jaguars: A Kicker Reportedly Started Training Camp By Missing A FG So Bad It Drilled Dave Campo In The Head

There it is. You know, shit felt a little off the last couple of days. I couldn't really pinpoint it, but I needed some sort of normalcy and feeling like everything was right again. This is it. Only the Jags would have this sort of report to start training camp. Only the Jags could have 'hit Dave Campo in the head with a kick' and the entire Internet be like, yeah, that entire sentence is completely normal to me. 

There's only one solution here. No, it's not bringing back Urban to allegedly kick the kickers. 

It's not even trying to convince Josh Scobee to come out of retirement and kick again. It's bringing in a kicker with grit. One who wouldn't hit an ex-coach (even a Cowboys coach) in the head. 

Time to think outside the box. You're the Jags for crying out loud! It's the one time people will actually truly care about and get invested. 

All I know is it's truly upsetting that with all these reports there's no video. It's 2022, everyone is on their phones for every single damn thing in the world. We can't have one video of seeing how bad these kicks are? 

I don't know why but I will always laugh at a kicker missing by a million yards. Always gets a chuckle out of me.