We've Officially Found the Worst Call in Baseball History: a Swing and Miss Ruled a Ball by TWO Umpires

Well, this is it, everybody. Soak it in. You will never see a call — calls, actually — in sports worse than this again.

There will be more ridiculous ball/strike calls. There will be other receivers leveled before the ball gets there without a flag thrown. But you may go your whole life without seeing something else that rises to this level of comical incompetence.

It would have been egregious enough for the home plate umpire to call that pitch a ball if the hitter stood there with the bat on his shoulder. But he unleashed a full swing and both the home plate umpire and his pal at first base just pretended they didn't see it. Unreal.

Somebody on that team has to fight each umpire. I don't care who, but a minimum of two people need to take justice into their own hands after something this insane.

At least Angel Hernandez now has something to point to that makes him look relatively competent at his job.