Fashion Is The One Thing We Should All Wish We Were Better At

On today's episode of The Bracket, we debated the things we wish we were better at. Personally, I think the obvious answer is fashion and I'll tell you why.

Something we determined during the bracket is that every option was only on the list because, if we were better at that option, it would lead to us getting laid more. And fashion, in my opinion, is the easiest route. Almost every other option essentially requires a stage that you have to create in order to showcase the talent. Dancing, sports, art, even spitting game. They all require you to create a situation where you show it off and you can end up looking like a douche, even if you're good. Fashion, however, is passive. It is your oppriutunity every day to show off to the world without looking like a dick. Unless you dress like a dick.

You can watch the full video above or listen below.