This Insane Volleyball Point Demonstrates Exactly Why America Kicks So Much Ass

Goodness gracious what a rally. 

I counted at least 7 times when the US team of Sara Hughes and Kelley Kolinske should have lost that point. You can always count on seeing a few crazy saves during a beach volleyball match. But 4 or 5 point saving digs in the same rally? That, my friends, is exactly why America is #1. 

Just when you think you have us down and out, we rally right back and jam it down your throat. The audacity of that team from Ecuador to start celebrating during the middle of the rally thinking they already had it locked up. Uhhhh do you ladies know who you're playing against? The good ol' US of A. The home of legends like Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings. The home of 2020 beach volleyball gold medalists Alix Klineman and April Ross. This is a beach volleyball nation and we won't stop until we kick everybody's ass. The moment you think you have us beat is when you've lost it the most. USA! USA! USA!