The Behind The Scenes Of The Original Chilis "Baby Back Ribs" Song is Perfection


We all remember where we were when we heard once in a generation talent for the first time.

The Beatles.

Michael Jackson.


The fellas from the Chili's "Baby Back Ribs" commercial.

Once you heard that song for the first time, you were hooked. Maybe you're like me and didn't even know what a baby back rib was. Maybe you're like me and still are a little unsure what makes something a baby back rib compared to a normal rib. But regardless of how in tune with cuts of meat you are, the Baby Back Ribs song goes down in history as one of the most influential tunes of all time. Whether you're driving down the highway looking at exit signs or wasting time in an airport because your flight is delayed, Chilis will always be there for you with a smile on their face and a sweet tune in your ears. And its all thanks for those guys, who put their heart and soul into it. I mean this fist pump, I literally shed a tear when he hit the Chillllliiiiis



And the sweet, smooth, velveting stylings of the "barbecue sauce" sent shivers up my spine.



These guys are all absolute legends and I'm glad they are getting their internet shine right now.



All I can say is


Giphy Images.