There's Never Been An All-Star Player That Catches More Shit On A Regular Basis Than Rudy Gobert

I don't know what's more impressive - 3x All-Star, 4x All-NBA player, 3x DPOY Rudy Gobert or how much shit 3x All-Star, 4x All-NBA player, 3x DPOY Rudy Gobert catches. It seems like every week someone is coming out and making a joke at his expense. This time it's Jason Kidd just flat out saying they weren't scared of Gobert (or Whiteside) because they stink at scoring. Accurate, but still rare to see that sort of honesty. Shit, even his own bees hate Rudy Gobert: 

Also going to be a major reason why the Jazz blow it all up - at least why they should. Mitchell and Gobert can't win together. They can be decent, which we've seen. But they aren't winning as the top-2. They are stuck in no-man's land without a real plan. And, hey, I like Mike Conley, but he's not getting younger. Your window is shutting and you're going to be stuck with two max player guys that can't win. Not ideal. 

Which of course leads to this:

The Warriors should have a Rudy Gobert and that's one of the only teams Gobert truly works on. He doesn't have to be an offensive focus. Can score at the rim if he absolutely has to, but he'd be the 4th or 5th option on offense. All I know is I can't remember an athlete in any sport recently that has had this much individual success and still gets toasted any time someone opens their mouth.