Good News: Michael Conforto Reportedly Has A Team Interested In Him! Bad News: That Team Is The Long Island Ducks!

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What the fuck man? Usually when you hear about a big name free agent being pursued by the Long Island Ducks, it's some washed dude that was in the All-Star game half a decade ago trying to make a comeback in Strong Island as the Ducks try to cash in some headlines. Not a 29-year-old that was reportedly offered a $100 million contract last spring and turned down the qualifying offer that would've paid him $18 million six months ago.

For all the stories of Scott Boras beating GMs over the head with stat binders until they give his client a record breaking contract, I guess there are a few Boras tragedies where Mr. Big Dick overplayed his hand and completely fucked his client out of a big payday, even though I feel like going from being able to cash Steve Cohen's checks for the foreseeable future to getting offers from the Atlantic League is about as tough as it gets. Whether that's because Conforto was an automatic out during a good chunk of his contract year, Boras was holding out for a number that was never going to come, or because of other rumored issues remains to be seen.

Actually maybe the cringiest analogy in the history of sports scared teams off. Yeah, that's probably it.

While I love Michael and the entire Conforto family, I can't say I miss him all that much because Starling Marte is a fucking gem of a ballplayer and the Mets are a couple of wins away from the Giants from attaining early season Wagon status as we inch closer to 96 wins every single day.