Someone Needs To Save This Dog ASAP

I don't mean to scare you with that headline, but if there's one thing I'm positive to know is that this dog HATES Coach K. Look at that face. That's an adorable dog. That's a dog that deserves happiness. Not getting blamed for not being trained correctly. Not getting scolded when its owner fucks up. That dog deserves to live free and not be a gift to someone who looks like a rat. How is that dog supposed to act when it looks at a rat? I don't know. 

Here's the biggest question. Why are we still doing Coach K gifts? It's been almost 365 days of this farewell tour ending in tarnishing and losing the Duke/UNC rivalry. We really needed a Duke banquet for Coach K to get another gift? We already had an entire Coach K day at Cameron Indoor - which was a loss to UNC, just a reminder. He already got gifts from Duke. If you think this is anything but an egomaniac needing one more day to celebrate himself, you're a liar. 

I will take that dog.