We Have Officially Set Up A Frank The Tank Fact Checker To Monitor All The Times #FrankWasRight And #FrankWasWrong About The Mets

Let's go live to Frank The Tank to see how he reacts to someone actually monitoring his maniacal Twitter rantings and calling him out on his bullshit:

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With baseball currently in the middle of a full blown data revolution, our guy Kyle from We Gotta Believe decided to take it a step further by tracking all of Frank The Tank's ramblings late in games to see how often #FrankWasRight and how often #FrankWasWrong. I'd do the job myself but I have to mute Frank during baseball season since being a Mets fan is hard enough when you don't have the more pessimistic person on the planet losing his mind before and after every play that could potentially be negative while being quiet as a church mouse when things go well. Luckily Kyle has taken up the unenviable task of monitoring the mind of a madman and tracking it for analytical purposes. So make sure to toss Kyle a follow as well as the We Gotta Believe Twitter and Instagram where we will break down the data.

After one contest, the arrow is firmly stuck in the #FrankWasWrong direction to the point I honestly feel like Frank thought it was Opposite Day and was incorrectly tweeting on purpose after the plays happened. I mean you really can't be that bad at predicting the game of baseball if you tried. 

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We may have to open up a Fade Frank prop on the Barstool Sportsbook because unless he is ranting after something bad happens, he is wrong a comical amount of the time and even when he's "right", he overreacts to the point that he ends up being wrong in the end. Good thing Frank The Tank is beloved by fans of the Yankees and rival NL East teams because it's pretty clear Mets fans are sick of his shit.

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Actually you know what? We are removing an awesome name like Frank The Tank from Frank Fleming, who for the record I do love when he is not talking about the Mets, and giving it to the future of the Mets franchise that is murdering baseballs on a nightly basis for the Rumble Ponies (which may be the best team name in all of baseball) because he deserves it more.

That's enough Frank talk for the day. Happy Scherzday to all that celebrate and if you are waiting around for first pitch, check out our interview with Mike Piazza from Monday then subscribe to the We Gotta Believe YouTube. LFGM.