This Twitch Streamer Has A Full EDM Show With PYRO In His Bedroom After Getting A Kill In Call of Duty


That's the god damn coolest thing I've ever seen. I don't even know how to make a joke in this blog- this kid fucking rules. Dude's got PYRO going off like he's the Undertaker making his way down the ramp at Wrestlemania. Certainly his house will burn down if he gets too good at Call Of Duty, but for now he is an absolute legend of the internet. 

I'm trying to think what I could get away with when I was 14. Next to nothing. Got like an hour of "computer time" after school before having to do my homework. Meanwhile this kid is doing an Ultra concert in his basement like he's the god damn Lost Kings. It's fucking fantastic.



I would not be shocked if Dave has this kid terrorizing Smitty in the Romper Room by this time next week. Sorry CuMRags, if you don't have an EDM show on your next stream, ol' Klaus here might be taking over.