Turns Out I Lied. The Best Way To Make Pimento Cheese Better Is To Throw It In Some Sausage

Yesterday I wrote this blog about how despite being so iconic and beautifully simple, the pimento cheese sandwich at Augusta National is missing a key ingredient--brisket. Fortunately there are pitmasters out there like Blake Stoker from Blake's BBQ who have added that key ingredient to the pimento cheese sandwich and made it something immaculate. 

However...it appears I may have jumped the gun a bit. Because turns out there's another way to make the pimento cheese sandwich even better. In fact, I cannot possibly fathom the idea of anything being better than this. A pimento cheese sausage. 

Pork, beef, pimento cheese, all cased together into a beautiful link and smoked to perfection. Could you imagine following Tiger around Augusta with a few of these bad boys in hand? LORDY! I'd argue that every golf course in America should offer these at their halfway house so you can gas a few pimento cheese sausages at the turn. Shoot a 52 on the front 9? Nothing a little pimento cheese sausage can't take care of. Granted, nothing you'd get anywhere else could ever come close to the magic of Tyler Hodge at HooDoo Brown BBQ in Connecticut. But you get the point. 

Oh and if the prices of brisket are a little too preposterous near you right now, you could always just throw some smoked bologna on that sandwich like the fellas over at Fox Bros. 

Again, there's a beauty to the simplicity of spreading some pimento cheese between a couple slices of white bread and only charging $1.50 for a sandwich at The Masters. But there's even more beauty to pimento cheese on top of some smoked bologna sandwiched between a couple of slices of thick Texas toast with some mustard, Fritos and pickles. 

Here's to hoping all of your scores stay lower than your calorie intakes this weekend. 

