Nightmare Fuel: Kid Goes Viral On TikTok For Filming Himself In A Hot Air Balloon Accident

Source - A hot air balloon ride turned into an utter nightmare and damn near a fatal experience for a group of folks who went down from the sky ... and held on for dear life.

Check out this insane video of a young man, Nicholas McCall, is up in a balloon with others out in Perris, CA, where everything seems to be swell from within their basket. He pans around and you can see they're above some a residential area with fields/open land nearby.

Sadly, things take a turn for the worse. His caption reads, "My hot air balloon experience was going great until the winds picked up." The clip then cuts to a freaky scene.

The Video: 

I've never understood the allure of hot air balloons. You're basically floating through the sky directly beneath a bomb completely at the mercy of mother nature. The only thing you can control is your altitude and even then, not really. Sometimes you fire up the engines and still get dragged across the dessert floor for a half a mile before coming to a stop. All while a carnie is screaming at you to "hold on and stay in the basket." I mean look at this shit...




That guy has no idea what he's doing. He's just thrilled he tricked another moron into writing him a check. I mean how strenuous can the requirements be to become a hot air balloon pilot? Who knows. All I know is that the second that basket touches the ground I'm abandoning ship. Get me the F out of harms way and gimme my money back. Oh well. All's well that ends well. That kid went viral, no one got hurt, and the pilot stayed out of jail. I consider that a win. Now here's the only thing I could think about while writing this blog. Enjoy…




