Zach Bogosian Teaching His 3-Year-Old How To Fight Is Giving Me Hope For The Next Generation Of Hockey Players

You see the way little man hit the eject button on those gloves? That's a kid who was born to be a hockey player. 3-years-old and he launched those gloves halfway down the ice like they were nothing. Some kids are just born with a knack for the theatrics. 

Now I'm no John Tortorella. I don't think the Michigan is going to be the death of hockey as we know it. But it's hard to see the current trajectory of the game and not get a little worried that the next few generations will know how to pull off a Datsyuk before they even once consider taking the body. Hockey is the perfect marriage between elegance and violence. It's choreographed chaos. But the scale of that combination is starting to tip from 50-50 to about...well let's call it 70-30.

So to see Zach Bogosian's son out there not only want to fight, but also naturally respect the code by asking his opponent if he wants to go? He's not some goon out there just looking to take a run at guys. He's a true enforcer. An Ice Guardian. And if he's anything like his old man, he's going to be a tough bastard in about 15 years. 

Sidenote: The older I get, the more these hockey dad moments become some of my favorite "highlights" from NHL players.
