This Is The Worst

I mean fuck this. This is all just the worst. I'm not calling the NCAA Tournament rigged (yet) but this has to be fake. No way does Arkansas play this dumb after the best game they played all year. I know it's college kids but you can't be that dumb. You can't turn it over the way they did. You can't pass on open shots the way they did. You can't miss that many layups. And now I have to listen to Coach K yell shut up at people. I have to listen to a week of the Coach K storyline. I have to listen to Marty. MARTY! Fuck this. This is the worst. 

We have to watch Coach K kiss his wife. No one wants to watch old people kiss. Gross. I don't have much else to say. We all had to listen to Jim Nantz talk about how Coach K owes Jim Boeheim a thank you for the 2-3 zone this March. A 2-3 zone! Paolo has been good. Jeremy Roach is WCAC Jeremy Roach again somehow. It's 2015 all over again. The only difference is I'm full time and have to do a podcast with Marty. 

This is the worst.