Deciding Your Date Night Grub By Rock, Paper, Scissors Sounds Utterly Disgusting

As a noted food snob, and by food snob I mean someone that repeatedly watching the same Food Network shows over and over and over again, I could not imagine anything less I'd want to do at a supermarket than have rock, paper, scissors decide your date night meal with your college girlfriend. As someone that had a bevy of college girlfriends and once again by a bevy I mean none it seems like you're gonna need a perfect meal to make it through this night and there is absolutely nothing perfect about a meal constructed by chance.

First off you're beginning with Virgil's which is what I assumed was a craft beer by the look of it only to realize it's actually just a non-alcoholic root beer after a quick google. Tough start. Real tough start. Then on the appetizer forefront it's a win for the lady of the couple and she goes with Trader Joe's buffalo chicken dip. I SWEAR I didn't just gag at the thought of that. She then wins the entree and goes with rice & chicken followed by our guy winning the final battle to go with a fucking cheesecake! So to sum it up we have root beer, buffalo chicken dip, sesame chicken & rice, all topped off with a cheesecake. I am ALL set on this. It truly feels like a twist on one of my Food Network programs I watched to fall asleep at 4am last night.