FIGHT VIDEO: Big Guy Tells Dude To get His Weight Up

Now let me tell you this twitter thread is an absolute treat. When a man that large tells you to respect him, I have no idea why you wouldn't back off. Look honestly this big guy didn't fight the young guy, he just taught him a valuable lesson. Why the hell would you try to jump a man that big. I don't care if you think you know any sort of mixed martial art that can help you take that man down. You just can't do that when you are outweighed by that much. This guy literally got sat on. That is a charging bull you can't fistfight a charging bull. 

All the dudes just running away is the funniest part, like there is literally nothing all of them could have done. I do not even know what like even the most skilled fighter could do in that position. Like I guess you try to tap him out? I think his neck was too big for a headlock. Everyone is in the comments claiming he could have used this move or that move to get him off him. The only thing he could have done was like try to slither out of his legs. Hell, I don't even think a nut shot was possible. He made him look like a child. 

Now this is one of the best cases of size means everything in a fight, so for you short kings out there here's a video that people originally thought was a Raiders linemen but really was a random dude. He gets absolutely leveled. 

I mean that guy talked real tough to get scanned by the self-checkout. 

I am pretty sure that video has been blogged about on the site. 

This one is insane I mean how do you literally 180 a guy while he charges at you. There's a huge risk of a knee to the head during that. He flipped him upside down so fast. Gotta learn how to do that. Crazy displays. 

I actually wonder if anyone has actual solutions on how to deal with a 300+ lb man coming at you in that kid's instance. You definitely don't try to throw hands with him