The NCAA Had A Single, Simple Mistake Not To Make ... But It's The NCAA So They Doubled Down On Incompetence Instead

How? How can the NCAA continue to be this insanely tone deaf. All you had to do was not advance the UNC/Baylor refs and if you did, you simply can't put them in the East Region where UNC is playing. What's the point? I understand how the entire process works with grades and that's how you advance. But you know what people can't stop talking about? How bad the UNC/Baylor game was officiated. You had Duke fans apologizing to UNC fans. You had (likely) Chip Gaines getting mad at Joanna. I assume Joanna is always mad at Chip based on the amount of HGTV I've walked in on my wife watching. 

It's the most beautiful postseason in the world. It's also the worst officiated game in the world. Somehow, someway we need to fix this. You know it's bad when even I'm like yeah, UNC shouldn't have this ref there. That's how much I hate the way the game was officiated. That's how wrong it its. See, I love this sport. As much as it kicks me in the nuts year after year, I love this sport. 

Hell just look at the Sweet 16. You have blue bloods, you have new bloods, you have the Cinderella story, you have two teams who people probably forget are even there. It's why this Tournament is must watch every single year. It's why I'm sick of the sport being ruined by refs who would rather the world know they are there than just letting the game happen. Now please win UCLA.