Kanye West Is Banned From Instagram

Last night on March 16th, it was announced that Kanye West was banned from Instagram for 24 hours...yes you heard that right. For ONLY 24 hours. Instagram sold sources they finally suspended Kanye for violating policies on hate speech, bullying and harassment. They said now that Kanye has been suspended once they will keep a closer eye on his account and if he continues to violate policies they will continue to take actions on his account. 

Now thats great and all but why now!? And why for only 24 hours!? For months Kanye has been harassing Kim Kardashian, threatening Pete Davidson and bullying other high status individuals. Was it the bullying of Trevor Noah last night that pushed IG over the edge or did they finally just grow a pair and ban him? Personally I don't see 24 hours changing Kanye. I also am curious to see if IG will hold him accountable and continue to ban him if he continues to violate polices. 

Overall, I find this stupid. I have seen smaller creators get banned permanently from Instagram for violating smaller policies. Is IG only banning Kanye for 24 hours because they are scared of him? Because let's be real. Once he comes back he's going to continue his ways. 24 hours is not going to change Kanye West.

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