Buzz Williams Gave Reporters A NINE Page Packet Of Data To Show Why Texas A&M Not Making The Tournament 'Defies Logic'

Gotta admit, I love the move. If there's also one coach in the country to come up with a nine page packet on Texas A&M's season and a bunch of data it's Buzz Williams. That's a no-brainer from him. He also makes a ton of sense in talking about the committee. I DESPISE that the committee is made up of athletic directors across the country. Those nerds aren't watching games all night. They are just looking at the paper in front of them with the team sheets, which is fine. But really it should be made up of people who do this full time. It's a legit full-time job to be on the committee and rotate in and out teams and all that shit. It's also why we need more than one reveal. They do the top-16 reveal in mid-February. Great. But they need to do a full tournament reveal at some point. If we can get weekly top-25 rankings for college football, we should be able to get this done as well. 

Now back to A&M, it's pretty easy to see where they didn't make the Tournament. 4-10 in Quad 1 games, 2 quad 3 losses. They got hot late, but the committee also stopped looking at last 10 games as a thing. They try to take recency bias out which I actually like. A game in November counts as much as a game in February. Also just think if you lose to Mizzou you don't belong in the Tournament. 

Give me Buzz any day of the week though. This guy is willing to do anything for his team. It's also why A&M will be fine in the long run. He's a damn good coach. Gotta be honest though, if you give me 9 pages of data there's 0 chance I'm reading all of it. We're not in school anymore, man.