Ovi Is Now Tied for 3rd All-Time In Goals With Jaromir Jagr. Amazing.



I don't know if enough is being made of this. Like, it's all I care about more or less, but when you really, really stop and think about it, it's mind blowing. In the entirety of the NHL, everyone who has ever laced up skates, Ovi is now 3rd ALL TIME in goals. There are only TWO NAMES ahead of him on the list- Gretzky and Howe.



I still sometimes have trouble wrapping my brain around it. How lucky we are to be able to watch him do this night in and night out for the last 18 years. He's been the perfect juxtaposition on the blog for me- for every terrible Dan Snyder action, there is an equal and opposite Ovi reaction. It's been quite a blessing to watch him up to this point, and thankfully he's only 36 so he still has another good 10-12 years in him.


The Caps square off against the Oilers tonight, so Ovi can move to 3rd all time in front of Conor McDavid, in the city that grew up on Gretzky. And then after that we're are staring down the barrel of number 800. Amazing.



PS: This is a great tweet.