Some Asshole in Texas Released a Live Bat in a Movie Theater During a Showing of 'The Batman' As a Prank

Dimitrios Kambouris. Getty Images.


The general manager of a northwest Austin movie theater believes a real-live bat got into a showing of the new Batman movie as a “prank.”

During a Friday viewing, one of the moviegoers said the film had to be paused when staff realized there was a real-live bat flying around the theater. Video sent to KXAN from Breann Wharton shows the incident. That viewer says management paused the movie and made multiple attempts to get the bat out, but those attempts were ultimately unsuccessful.

Whoopee cushion, ding dong ditch, fake spider attack, and of course releasing a fucking live bat into a packed theater. All classic pranks we did as kids right? Oh to be young again. 

You know how you can tell someone is a real Batman fan? It's not the guy who dresses up as the Batman himself. It's not the people who buy the special popcorn thing with the mask for $30. It's the fans willing to stay in the theater while there's a live bat flying around the damn joint. 

The theater offered to give refunds, but a majority of the crowd opted to stay and watch the film, “bat and all,” according to the KXAN viewer who took the video.

That's true dedication. As for me, I hear there's a LIVE BAT flying around I'm in my car heading home before they even make an announcement. Absolutely fucking not, I'll come back tomorrow no problem. I saw the movie 'Bats' and I'm all set. 

Luckily there was no bat issue at my showing and I loved the movie. I did have a friend go to a theater where they uploaded the wrong movie to all the screenings. Everyone got Spiderman: No Way Home to start somehow. How do you mess something like that up? On top of that, his version of 'The Batman' had subtitles. I'm a big subtitles guy when I'm watching a movie at home on like Netflix, but at the theater? I think I'd hate that. Certainly not enough for me to go home, but I'll take the free refund for the inconvenience. 

P.S. Where does one even get a bat these days? Feel like you need to physically go to a cave to find one of those things right? I know Texas is weird, but I'm pretty sure they don't have those guys hanging around at a pet store.