Did White Sox Dave Deserve This Verbal Beat Down From Eddie? My Thoughts

It's Friday evening and I'm in the middle of what will eventually be a 4-day bender. 

Not in good shape because I'm not built like I used to be. The brains been going in a million different directions the past few days and I've been thinking about the talk Eddie, Chief, and I had on the Ukraine documentary on Netflix, "Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom." 

For starters, it's an incredible documentary, one of the best I've ever seen (I was moved to tears at the end and not afraid to admit it). So highly recommend watching it.

Our conversation was also pretty awesome I thought. 

It's kind of crazy how smart and knowledgeable Chief is in regards to international history and war history. If Eddie wasn't such a stickler for "podcast metrics and data" I could have kept this conversation going and asking him questions for 2 more hours.

But what I think got lost in the mix of such a serious topic, and the point of this blog, was the needless White Sox Dave choke slamming Eddie gave him at the end.

We took a sharp left turn going from the Russia v. Ukraine conflict to trash reality television and the thought prospects of being Dave's roommate. 

Eddie doesn't get this animated a lot. So when he does you know he's passionate about whatever it is.

And he left zero doubt in this conversation that would never, under any circumstance, share a roof with White Sox Dave. 

He brought up a few good points in his argument, (the twitter defense was an A+), but I think a lot of people are leaving out or ignoring the pro's that living with Dave would entail.

For one, he's actually not that bad of a cook. 

Does he make himself look HORRIBLE online? Yes. On a regular basis in fact. 

I don't know why he enjoys trolling as much as he does. But he's surprisingly not terrible. And that's not coming from me, it's coming from one of the best chefs in America.

Secondly, his dog Ace is fucking awesome.

He's also one of the most valuable pets in Chicago if you're counting how much money Dave has spent keeping him alive since he adopted him like 6 months ago. He almost killed the poor guy by leaving a bottle of 3Chi droppers out (and uncapped apparently) and Ace took the 3Chi rocketship to Mars and had the bill sent to Dave. Funny story that we can laugh about now but wasn't at the time.

But I digress.

He can also play you a tune anytime you want as he's fast learning to play the 6 string.

If you want me to list more I can, but I feel like that's enough to far outweigh the con of living with a literal caveman. 

I think Red Ed owes Dave a public apology on next week's episode we record. 

Who agrees?

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p.s. - I will have more in a separate blog on Chief thinking he's normal for going through the "Love Is Blind" interviews and nearly making it on the show (spoiler alert- they said they were too big for Barstool or some shit like that). Absolutely wild thinking and deserving of its own blog. Look for that when I'm not nursing a hangover.