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Hudson, Ohio Mayor Finally Addresses The Elephant In The Room: "Ice Fishing Is a Slippery Slope That Leads To Prostitution"

Cleveland Scene - In a widely circulated clip from last night's Hudson council work session, mayor Craig Shubert appears to argue that there's a slippery slope from allowing ice fishing to prostitution.

Confirmation of his impregnable logic can be seen on his neighbor's face.

The council work session itself followed a special session called to consider suspending city manager Jane Howington for reasons unclear besides her opinion that council was becoming "increasingly divisive" and "seemingly focused on individual interests rather than consensus of the body." (A tentative agreement was reached between the two sides last night.)

Anyway, Hudson, the affluent enclave southeast of Cleveland, has had itself a year.

There was the time mayor Shubert, who thankfully serves in a largely ceremonial role within city government, appeared at a board of education meeting and railed against a book of writing prompts used in advanced classes for seniors, calling the material "child pornography." (The two adult-themed prompts that drew his ire were never assigned and parents had to sign a waiver acknowledging that adult material may come up in the class in the first place.)

The incident, which made national headlines, predictably led to threats being made against the members of the board of education.

In September, Hudson again made the news when the high school canceled a production of "She Kills Monsters," an LGBTQ-themed play. As the Buckeye Flame reported at the time, "the fall production of 'She Kills Monsters' was replaced with—seemingly without irony—'The Crucible.'”

And in January Hudson joined the ignoble list of cities across this great nation in which parents lobby local school boards to ban certain books, in this case, "A Girl on the Shore" by Inio Asano, "Lawn Boy" by Jonathan Evison and "Gender Queer" by Maia Kobabe.

Calling out prostitution rings and banning books. It's what Hudson mayor Craig Shubert does.

Thank God somebody finally has the balls to address what everybody has known for a while now, first thing you know is you've got some guys trips, father and son bonding, or just some fellas looking to get away from the ball and chain for a weekend out on Lake Erie ice fishing. Next thing you know, it's fucking Tiajuana with whores selling sex everywhere the eye can see.

Slippery slope indeed.

Do not let Sydney Wells fool you.

Thank God we have politicians like Craig Shubert out there protecting us from evil literature and activities. What would we do without people who know what's best for us? #Blessed

p.s. - can you fucking imagine the field day this guy would have had he been Mayor of Barstool OG/Internet 1.0 superstar Mike Cooper?

p.p.s. - my promise to you, for life, is that any and every opportunity I have to blog something that I can stretch to include the Mike Cooper video, I will. This is one of those cases. 

h/t - Keith Nelson