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Lighten the Fuck Up! Robert Always Wanted to go to the Super Bowl but Couldn't Justify the Cost...

Ed Reinke. Shutterstock Images.

Robert always wanted to go to the Super Bowl but he could never justify the cost. Then, he took a chance and bought a $100 raffle ticket where the winner got plane fare, hotel, and one ticket to the big show…

He was ecstatic when he found out he’d won the raffle and was finally gonna attend a Super Bowl.

He flew first class and his hotel was 5-star, but when he got to the stadium and found his seat it was way up in the nosebleeds…

He began walking around looking for a better seat, one he was willing to pay for, and he found an empty aisle seat in the first row and at the 50-yard line. He approached the older gentleman sitting next to the empty seat and asked, “Is this seat taken?”

The older gentleman became somber while explaining that he and his wife of 40 years had attended 25 Super Bowls together, but she recently passed…

Sensing the gentleman’s extreme sorrow, Robert replied sympathetically, “I’m sure a family member or a friend would’ve been happy to take the seat and come with you, did you ask anyone?”

The gentleman shook his head, closed his eyes briefly, and then responded, “I did, but they’re all at the funeral…”                                                                                     

* Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968