Jonathan Allen Wants To Have A Quaint Meal With Hitler


Oh my god. What a fucking answer. An answer so preposterous Michael Jackson is only the 2nd worst person in the answer. Jonathan Allen could have picked anyone, anyone ever, and he wants to do unlimited salad and breadstick with Adolf Hitler. Incredible. Just wants to pick ol' Dolph's brain. "Ok Hitler, I know you wrote that book and gave those speeches, but c'mon you can tell me, why did you really do it?" And then Hitler kills him. You know, because he's HITLER.

I'm laughing so hard at jolly ol' Jon Allen wanting to enjoy a meal with Hitler. I guess in theory I get what he's saying. He's like "I want to pick the brain of this madman". Ok, sure. I get it on some sort of level, but the imagery is too much to handle. Grandad is so pumped to see his grandson. He puts on his nicest clothes and shines his shoes and everyone else in Heaven is so stoked for him, like "wow, you get to go back down to Earth and eat dinner with Jon? What a blessing!" And then he shows up to dinner all excited, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and who is at dinner with him? It ain't Gramma. It ain't Obama. It's motherfucking HITLER. I cannot stop laughing. Hitler just casually reading the menu. "Mmmm, what's the soup of the day?" while Jon is pestering him with questions about "well would you do it again?" and Hitler is like "Dude WHAT? I'M ADOLF HITLER" as the waitress spins the cheese wheel over his salad waiting for Hitler to tell her "when".

Just another day, man. Just another day. This shit is so funny. I know Jon's intentions are probably pure. But what a laugh out loud funny answer. Grandad, Michael Jackson, and Hitler. Funny enough, Dan Snyder could pull up a high chair and fit right in at this dinner. And I guess spin zone, Hitler would kill the fuck out of him. So maybe that was Jon's plan all along? Genius.