Watch: Backdoor Teen Mom Farrah Abraham Is Now Selling Jars Of Her Literal Shit Online In Order To Make A Quick Buck

Play the hits, Farrah. Play the hits. It was your backdoor that made you famous in the first place, you may as well circle back and what else you can squeeze out of it. Which I understand, I just never thought the thing you would be squeezing was a hot dump directly into a jar. The craziest part is that people are going to buy it. There are enough freaks who follow her online to where one of them is going to say "fuck it" and roll the dice. How gross is that? I'm not kink shaming, I'm just saying that buying someone else's shit seems like a bit much. Even for a big fan. That said, you have to give credit to Farrah. She continues to refined the word "shameless." Last month she posted this Instagram after getting arrested for (allegedly) slapping the shit out a security guard...

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And now she's packaging poo in jars. What a legend. Good for Farrah. People like to rag on her but not me. She's trying to earn a living just like the rest of us. Do you, boo. And best of luck with the shit sales. Hopefully it adds a couple commas to your bank account.