Trevor Zegras Put On The Greatest Magic Show Vegas Has Ever Seen At The NHL Skills Competition Last Night

Ethan Miller. Getty Images.

I can't remember a time when any player has had the NHL by the balls harder than Trevor Zegras does right now. He's playing in his first full year in the show and he's coming dangerously close to being the face of the league. I'm not saying he's the best player to ever come through the NHL. I'm not saying he's the most "Must-Watch" guy in the league either. That's still Connor McDavid and will most likely continue to be McDavid until the final time he laces up a pair of skates. 

But the talent, the personality, the ability to deliver every damn time he steps on the ice. Trevor Zegras is what the future of the NHL and NHL personalities looks like. And last night at the All-Star Skills Competition that sick bastard delivered another example of how he's on a totally different planet compared to anybody else in the league. 

The best thing about this move is there are countless of hockey influencers on Instagram who have done similar moves before. Every time the comment section of those posts are filled with a "yeah well do that in a real game and you'll get your shit rocked" or some other combination of words that convey a similar message. I'd love to see some Tommy Try-Hard who plays in his C division beer league on Tuesday nights to tell that to Zegras after this one. 

I still don't understand how it's possible with the blindfold. Maybe the material is a little thin and he can see through it a bit? I don't know. The only other explanation would just be pure magic. 

Criss Angel. David Copperfield. Penn and Teller. None of those pigeons have shit on Trevor Zegras. It's almost a shame he's playing for Anaheim instead of the Golden Knights. This maniac needs to have a residency in Vegas. He'd be the biggest show in town. 

Sidenote: As sick as that move was, it wasn't nearly as impressive as this defensive effort from the Chiclets Cup yesterday. 
