Kyle Shanahan Says The 49ers Are So Young They Don't Understand The Cowboys Rivalry Or His 'Wedding Crashers' References In Meetings

How I actually feel reading this: 

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Or for my older crowd

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Now I'm not one to argue against using movie quotes to reference something. It's literally what every guy our age did to pass the time when we were younger in conversations with friends. If you didn't throw out a quote here and there, you're simply a liar. But here's my complaint. Wedding Crashers came out in 2005. I wouldn't necessarily call that recent. We're 17 years removed. Most of the players are mid-late 20s. They were barely old enough to understand the over the pants handjob scene at the dinner table. 

That said, Wedding Crashers is timeless, so I understand why Shanahan will be baffled. You see, I could use a My Cousin Vinny quote and that came out when I was 5 years old. But back to Wedding Crashers, it's comfortably one of the greatest comedies of our era. It's one of the 5, maybe less, quoted movies for people in our 30s. Whether it's crabcakes and football - which I assume is what Kyle says in every meeting - or the meatloaf scene, we all said a quote at least 100 times in our life. I'd argue this movie was peak and perfect Vince Vaughn too. Don't get me wrong, he's great in Old School and everything, but this is perfect Vince Vaughn. 

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Here's my fault with Shanahan here though. You're telling me don't know the significance of the 49ers-Cowboys rivalry from back in the day? It wasn't long before Wedding Crashers came out that 49ers-Cowboys was talked about all the time. Plus, they are football guys. I'm going to go out on a limb and say they heard all about the 90s 49ers-Cowboys games. I never understood the argument that it was before their time - looking at 50% of people on The Dozen here. You never watched TV once? You never read up on football once? I don't buy it. 

PS: I know everyone loves to say Kyle Shanahan looks like Kendall Roy and I get it. But are you telling me Dante isn't related to them too? That dude looks exactly like them.